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Find Out How to Recall Sent Messages in Outlook – Simple Steps

Nimisha Ramesh   
Published: Jul 3, 2018 • Outlook • 3 Min Read

Sometimes a situation occurs where Microsoft Outlook users send a wrong email message to the recipient. Different scenarios lie under this situation in which either message content is wrong, essential content is not sent in the email, or mail is sent to the wrong person. In order to overcome this trouble, Outlook users can use Recall This Message feature to recall sent emails in Outlook 2016. The feature permits you to recall, delete, or replace the sent email.

If anyone or more following situation becomes true then, Message recall feature will not work in Microsoft Outlook 2016:

  • The receiver is not signed into the ESP.
  • Either recipient is working in Cached Exchange Mode or offline mode.
  • The recipient does not utilize MS Outlook email client.
  • The original email is shifted to another folder from Inbox. This occurs when rules are utilized.
  • The original email is first opened and marked as ‘Read’. Usually, this condition occurs when an email is shown in the Reading Pane or Preview Pane.

Steps to Recall Sent Emails in Outlook

1. Open Microsoft Outlook application on your PC and click on Sent Items folder.

2. Double-click on the email in which you want to recall sent messages in Outlook 2016.

3. Go to message tab and click on Actions >> Recall This Message option

Note – If you do not find the Recall this message option then, it means that you are not working with an Exchange account.

4. A Recall This Message dialog box appears in which you have to select any one of the following options:

  • Delete unread copies of this message – This will eliminate all the sent emails, which are not yet opened by the recipient.
  • Delete unread copies and replace with a new message – If you want to make little bit changes in the sent email then, you can use this option. This will smoothly erase the original message from receiver’s end and send a replace message over it.

5. If required, you can activate the checkbox of ‘Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient’. This will give you information that what happened with the Recall feature, after going to the receiver ends.
6. After activating any one of the two radio buttons, click on OK to initiate the process.

Observational Verdict

If a user wants to recall sent emails in Outlook, then it is only possible when both the sender and receiver are working with an Exchange account. Employees can make use of this technique when they mistakenly send an email message to the wrong recipient.

By Nimisha Ramesh

Nimisha Ramesh is a professional with a keen focus on branding and technical content writing. With a deep understanding of how to craft and convey brand messages, Nimisha excels in the art of branding, ensuring businesses leave a lasting impact. Her talent for technical content writing ensures that complex concepts are presented in a way that's clear and accessible to a wide audience. Nimisha's dual expertise in branding and content writing makes her a vital asset in shaping brand narratives and engaging audiences effectively.